SDN: What bloodlines you started ?
ILARIO’S KENNEL: I get some dogs from Radonjic in Montenegro, they was sons of BAM BAM with inside great dogs like CH. MARSHALL (4XW).
SDN: Yes excellent bloodlines, has some animal at this time in particular that you liked?
ILARIO’S KENNEL: At this time i was young in sport and i no was able to understand the best way to take. I can say this blood from Jumbo rom are the best game ever i see in my life.
SDN: You had some sons of Jumbo Rom?
ILARIO’S KENNEL: I never get direct son of him. Only some work line blood from him.
SDN: Today what bloodlines do you work?
ILARIO’S KENNEL: Principally Red Boy but i have some from Snooty-Yankee-Disney.
SDN: What do you like these bloodlines?
ILARIO’S KENNEL: My Red Boy blood have some good characteristic, one of them are extreme bite. Snooty-Yankee-Disney i use principally for cross with my Red Boy.
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SDN: Which their best athletes today?
ILARIO’S KENNEL: JERRY 2XW (CH ILARIO & PURE BLOOD’S PAN 4XW-1XGL x NEVENA 1xw) is a great example of cross Red Boy x Disney blood. He is young but he collects 2 victories in top competition.
SDN: In those 13 years that you participate in Game Dog what the best kennels in your opinion?
ILARIO’S KENNEL: In Balkan more kennels are and was in top list. But more rest in this scale only for one or two years. I can say with sure the kennels collect many victory are bingo knl-sirmiun knl-pera's knl-alfa kennel. Is very incredible but i think kennels like sirmiun and bingo collect more than 10 Ch. and also several Gr Ch. About modern kennels i must say best are scepan from Montenegro-Brothers kennel (Montenegro)-Beden & Kokani (Montenegro) this 3 are really dangerous opponent
SDN: The Balkans region is known for quality dogs, and we know it's hard to win away from home, especially if the Balkans. What do you think the kennels Balkans have that make them so difficult to be beaten?
ILARIO’S KENNEL: in Balkans level of selection is harder than USA or Europe. The laws make them freer then other region or states. So this help they to keep more dogs in easy manner. No so many dogmans come from out to match in EX YU. I remember the old captain ben, he meet in Croatia Ch. Camel from Serbia. Captain lose. After that event i remember the chosen few come and beat Smart kennel in Serbia with Gr Ch. Chilindrina. And come back again to meet Ch. Kid with his Ch. Lindo but lose. I think every country have great dogs, but who travel are always disadvantage. I work with dogs in Balkans and i must say thanks, but is also truth i never see one Balkan kennel travel so far.
SDN: Tell me about your top athletes, and CH ILARIO & PURE BLOOD’S PAN 4XW-1XGL and CH PURE BLOOD & ILARIO’S(E.P.S.’) ZUTA, how they came to their kennel ?
ILARIO’S KENNEL: CH PAN born in yard of my partner PBK, pan is indeed the best dog i ever see in my life. Best shaker and quickly to finish his opponent. He no look like fighter but like a predator. CH ZUTA are from Beatered kennel handled and conditioned from our friend EPS kennel. She are good one with a lot of great quality, she win 3 match in short time and after that take 4 forfeit and never get a match. I think CH PAN and CH ZUTA are some of best 10 fast line dogs from Balkans ever.
SDN: You could say who did their training, and how was this training?
ILARIO’S KENNEL: Me and my team we use a good food for trainer like royal canine energy 4,800 or barf diet. Our keep training is very classic: walk-run-swim-weigh pool, we no use treadmills. Off course we use doping, blood doping like EPO. But i use steroids only if i have dogs with no so much power and they need help. I must say i prefer blood doping then steroids.
SDN: Steroids which you use on your dog? Someone who must take special care?
ILARIO’S KENNEL: I personal put steroids in my dogs and i don’t believe from nobody in this side. In this many years i learn so good how to use them and i keep for me the secret.
SDN: CH PURE BLOOD & ILARIO’S (E.P.S.’) ZUTA and pan faced many opponents, which are harder to beaten?
ILARIO’S KENNEL: CH ZUTA finish all his opponent in short time, CH PAN lose his 4th but i think in other condition was able to kill rhino. This night we lose us no CH PAN . But in sport all can happened.
SDN: Currently on Facebook and other social medias there was a boom ''dogmans'', people who are anxious to sell animals without being tested or without quality. What you think about that?
ILARIO’S KENNEL: I have open mind: i leave to peddlers continue their business. And the fighters continue theirs battle. I see many men build a name of kennel with 4 dogs, or think to be a dogman only to do 3 matches in all life. Modern dogmans are afraid to match in fair manner. They like be a start in forum and in internet are free. They must be selling their dogs by Kilo, just like they sell pigs and chicken in the markets, just sell by kilo. More good people, but a rotten guy can lead the innocent astray, with the Web sites and talk nonsense. That's why I may seem a bit 'crazy in pursuing these vendors. Once you lose some battles are gone, this is their character. CURS.
ILARIO’S KENNEL: I dont have one i prefer, i like all of him because is my favorite. I think best match i see in my life are PBK& KORAL JORDAN 1xd vs. POZNJIAK RED RAMBO 2xw 1xd 2xlg. Incredible match with a lot of suspense. Was over at 2,40. Both dogs fast and hard. Amazing show...with dead game scratch from Jordan grandsire to CH PAN .
SDN: To terminate the interview something else you want to talk?
ILARIO’S KENNEL: yes i want say thanks to Mr. Radonjic for help with keep in this last years, to my partner PBK, i must say he always agree my side and help me in hard moment. Pbk is a real dogman who never dribbling one match for fear. Without this 2 person i never got this result.
SDN: Thank you very much for the interview.
ILARIO’S KENNEL: Thank you and enjoy in sport.
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