CH PAN was born on July 27th 2007. His father Holland’s O’Brian ROM (inbred RED BOY dog) and his mother is bingo kennel's CAJUN GIRL (BOOMERANG / BULLYSONbreed female). CH PAN was the shyest pup in the litter and that was the reason to sent him from my yard after vaccination. I gave him to a friend who wanted to raise him and return him to me when i decided that he is ready to be checked in what he was born for. After enormous attention and amount of time invested on him he was returned in my yard when he was 10 months old.
He looked so mature for his age and i couldn't wait more than two days to roll him for the first time in his life. I called my friends which had a dog who had more rolls than some yards combine and beside that was 2xw O.T.C. That dog lost most of his teeth during his career and he was used for starting young dogs.
My friend did me a favor and agree for a roll. That roll lasted between 3 and 5 minutes and after first hold PAN showed that his mouth and strength are above average. He was shaking like if he was two times bigger than his opponent and he made serious damages in the front end. The opponent was protesting loudly and that was the end of the roll which started PAN'S career and his career was continued soon. He was rolled every month and all of those rolls were really short. All off his opponent were no happy as soon as PAN gets into their front end and they just lowered tail and started to protest loudly, loudly. That kind of behavior didn't bother him and he just wanted to finish his job. It was hard for us to find the dog that could resist him and put him in trouble for a little time a least.
When he sent all my favorite prospects to some ''better place'' (my friend Bateared knls would say ''to manitou'') my friend, rebus kennel called me , he just spoke with guys from Mia & urban knl, and they asked him if he knew someone with good dog at 19 kg for a roll. PAN's last roll was just seven days before that but i decided to roll him because i heard a lot of good things about their dog. that dog was bought as a young prospect from Alfa knl (one of the best ever in Balkans) and his name was Mia & urban Rocky (A.B.K. & ALFA's CH CRNAC 4xw X MR Milan's DENNY which was famous litter Andrej's CH ZEBO ROM X Mr. Milan's CH BRITNY ROM). before this roll he ended career of one dog in just 6 minutes and he showed strength and mouth.
Both dogs, PAN and ROCKY were about 15 months old, at the time of that roll. when they arrived with ROCKY and took him out of his cage he looked like a ''bomb'' and i was impressed with his look. roll started and ROCKY was driving for the front end while PAN was on the head for the first time in his life. ROCKY made some serious damages in the front end and continues with that. PAN is faster and he get better end in the exchanges of holds. after 3-4 minutes PAN slowly starts to dominate and he gets his favorite hold (chest) more often. PAN is making more and more damage and ROCKY is more on the ground, but he's trying to attack PAN all the time and he paid the price for that. i was thrilled with what i saw. my dog had, besides above average strength and mouth, very high level of intelligence, good balance between attack and defense, and he didn't have opportunities to show that in previous rolls. that roll lasted about 20 minutes, but everything was obvious from 15 minutes on. PAN worked what he wanted and ROCKY was trying to defense himself with a lot of damage in his front end. both dogs made couple of scratches and the roll was over.
ROCKY had some serious damages and half hour after the roll PAN couldn't use his shoulders and he also had a lot of damages in the front end. it took whole month for PAN to heal and to be in normal shape, but it surely worded. after that roll i was confident to match him with everyone at any time.
a lot of dogman who watched this roll said that it was pity for them to meet each other in a roll. I’m sure that any other dog of their age and weight couldn't last with any of these two dogs. that roll was better than 90% of matches that ever seen and i have seen a lot of them ,after he was healed, ROCKY was rolled with some winners and i heard that he finished them in short order. he also won two matches, first in about one hour and second in 2:20 where showed ''DEAD GAME'', couple months later PAN was contracted with Golden king (pera's) & Lukic’s DANDY 1xw, who had impressive win in less than one hour against MAYDAY/JUMBO dog. i think that he sired by Pera's CH SILVER and out of Lukic's MAMBA wich is GR CH BUCK ROM/ JUMBO ROM bloodline. i was conditioning PAN for this match, but i wasn't able to finish his keep and to attend this match. my friend and partner in sport Koral Knls worked with PAN during last 10 days. DANDY was good, complete dog and worthy opponent for PAN. he tried everything and at 0:36 his handler picked him up in order to save him and he did that. DANDY is only dog that was matched with PAN whose career wasn't finished (he couldn't be worker or matched again because his left front leg was totally damaged) and he scratched at the end. That match was open for spectators and all the people who saw him in action started to talk about him and wasn't good for me and my team because we planned to match him again. PAN was 1xw and open for next match!
After only 50 days we decided to open PAN again since he didn't need much time to recover. he looked healthy and he was full of desire to work second match was contracted at 19,200 kg (that was too much for him since he was 18,760 kg in his first match) with really dangerous dog and the team that was very hard to beat anywhere and at any time.

we started PAN's keep but he was to fat and we had a lot of problem to bring him down in that weight(2 days before the match he was on the weight for the first time in his keep), and that was the only that bothered us. on the scales PAN was at 18,760 kg and CH BLACK TEDDY JR 18,950 kg and the match was on. i can only say that i would like to have CH TEDDY JR and to match him against best competition without any doubt. he was the only one who really tried to swap with PAN until the last second. unfortunately, trading holds with PAN costed him his life. everything was over at 0:46 when CH TEDDY JR was pick up, too late. PAN won his championship by winning over a champion! PAN had these 3 matches in 8 months period and we decided to rest him because he earned that rest and it seems like nobody wanted to go against him!
only a couple of days after match with CH TEDDY i got a call from Urbans knl who wanted to match his MIA & URBANS MAX ( son of Salas VRbas CH ZIGGY and RIvera's Female) with CH PAN. off course i said yes and the match was contracted at 19,000 kg for six months later.
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i heard that MAX destroyed all of his opponent in short order , his rolls. people were saying that is was defensive, very fast and after head he would make his finish in the rear end with just couple of holds. i didn't saw him in action but i knew that he must be better dog for CH PAN ! after match with CH TEDDY JR, only one thing was problem for us. PAN's pituitary gland on the right side was hurt and its channel was narrowed. that gland was under inflammation once and it got big as the fist. that was a big problem and it lasted long time . we decided not to operate it and we use the therapy just to heal it and hoped that it will be ok during the keep and in the match. after 20 days it was ok and it wasn't a problem before the last week before the match when it got inflammated again and bigger than before. but show must go on. on the scales, both dogs were about 200 gr underweight and the match is on. From the start MAX is trying to keep CH PAN as far as possible, and it worked for 15 minutes. After that CH PAN gets in the front end more often and makes a lot of damage. MAX is getting weaker and he's more and more on the ground. At 0:30 MAX is in shock and without any defense and his handler picks him up and it was his last match.
CH PAN is now 4XW (0:36-0:23-0:46-0:49) after that we try to find a great opponent for his 5th Ch. was contracted into strong knl Ch. Rhino 3xw G.I.S from turkey. he was in keep and training in Serbia by ovca boys knl. Ch. pan got sick again his gland under inflammation. Ovca Boys knl kept changing the time and place and the day we go into match Ch. rhino, rhino was overweight but we did not take off and we agree to match. All spectators see that Ch. pan was not the same dog as like a gladiator before, and from the first minute his shake has no have power to make damages like he normally does. We picked up after 40 minute pan makes very game scratch and he has no serious/dangerous damages on him. after that story we challenge in public ovca boys knl for revenge from 10k to 50k at 19kg,but they was afraid to match in fair manner. Ch. pan was open for more time to meet anyone from anywhere...he collect one off and was retired.CH PAN 4xw 1LG is by many dogmen voted as ''DOG OF THE YEAR 2010 in Balkan country''. Some of his offspring’s started their careers in a good way: Miki Kosovar & Duca's Norris 1xw, who won 1xw dog in 20 minutes-EPS's knls & KARSON's knl obrad 1xw in 2:10-PBK & KORAL TOM 1xw 2:20-PBK & KORAL JERRY 2xw 0:37, 0:45. both of them match into top competition.I want to say thanks to DR karlo who make it possible for me own Holland's O BRIAN R.O.M (father of CH PAN-CH PAGO-CH BELOGLAVI-CH SPIKE-TIGER 1xw1xd 3:40 and many others XW), to bingo knl who helped me with some great advices about conditioning for CH PAN and who gave me Bingo's CAJUN GIRL (mother of CH PAN) like gift. thanks to koral knls, my closest accomplice who was the main man for conditioning, feeding and handling of CH PAN and who did his job without mistakes when i wasn't able to do it. and i want say thanks to my ''DRUID'' who wants to be anonymous for his ''magic potion'' that made all of this much more easily. greetings to all real dogmen and fanciers of this breed.
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