Bred by Rushin Kennels, Mongoose or “Goose” as he is commonly called won his first three for the Havana Boys. Havana Chico ran into some problems and had to sell him, which is when we acquired him and finished him off for his Grand Championship.
It is hard to describe Goose’s “Pit Manor”. You would put him in the box and he seemed to know that he was going to win. While the other dog looked angry and anxious, Goose always seemed calm and determined. Once the ref. announced “Release”, he would trot at a medium pace and meet the dog in the center. It was once they met Goose showed his true splendor. Goose was the kind of a dog that fought from his heart straight to his mouth, not the other way around like a lot of hardmouthed dogs do. He would walk into ten hits just to get his one, and when he did the other dog would look up at you, his eyes seeming to say, “Why couldn’t I have been born a Poodle?” He never shook real hard or bit sporadically. He would just grab a leg and sink his teeth into it until it broke, then he’d move to another leg. After that, if the other dog was willing or able to scratch, he would hit the chest. This would accomplish putting the dog out of his misery most times, except for the case when the other dog had enough juice left in him to jump the wall.

Goose is currently under the watchful eye of a close friend, Mr. Bill. Bill’s medical knowledge has made it possible for Goose to still be with us. I am glad to say, Goose is alive and well because of it. Grand Champion Goose now waits to be bred, and have his offspring make him a Register of Merit. Of the dogs he has already put on the ground there are several winners. Hemlock’s Badger 1xw in 1 hr. 14 min., Havana Chico’s Goose Jr. 1xw in 3hrs!!!, and Mr. Bill’s Ms. Goose 2xw.
Yours in sport,
Santa & The Heartbreak Kid
WTJersey Boy’s Maniac 23:32 min
Cuban Cowboy’s Bullet 14:34 mim
Brown Shoes’ Champ 25 mim
Upstate Kennels’ Nate1 hr. 14 minutes35
Frank P’s Benny 28 mim
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