segunda-feira, 24 de fevereiro de 2014
domingo, 23 de fevereiro de 2014
sábado, 22 de fevereiro de 2014
segunda-feira, 17 de fevereiro de 2014
sábado, 15 de fevereiro de 2014
The year was 1971 Enrique Morfin of Mexico was soon to make a huge imprint on the history of the American Pit Bull Terrier when he matched a dog coming from the renowned kennel of Maurice Carver. The dog's name was Carver's Andy Capp and was sired by Jerome Hernandez' (Klaus') famous Zeke dog, a hardmouthed muzzle fighter and a reputed winner of five contracted matches; mostly remembered for his victory over Leo Kinard's Boe. Although Carver’s Andy Capp lost the match, he will go down in history as one of the gamest animals to ever walk the earth,scratching thirty-six times to his death.This dog was out of Carver's (Koehler's) Goldy and was a part of the famous litter comprised of Indian Sonny's Bolio, Carver's Mendecino and Koehler's Daisy.Two decades later another Andy Capp would soon hit the scene, bred down from the same family of dogs as the first, but this one would be more menacing and carry with him a complete arsenal, possessing a mouth second to none; a calculating powerhouse that represented death to four out of five of his opponents.
Match #1 -Buffalo Bill & George’s Andy Capp Vs. Hooterville’s Festus. Males at 38 Pounds, Referee-Cody. Buffalo Bill & George would travel, accompanied by a young dog going by the name of Andy Capp, to meet the Hooterville camp and Festus, literally in there own backyard. This was a match that would bring out some of the best Dogmen in the South. A highly anticipated contest between two outstanding dogs that surpassed very high expectations. Hooterville's Festus, a heavily masked buckskin, was a 2X Winner who won both of his matches at 38 pounds. His two victims were Mad Max's CHBeaudacious, who he did away with in :24 minutes, and Mutch's Cochise, who hung it up in :20 minutes Both of these dogs were sired by Boyle's CH Bolt ActionROM. Festus, line bred on Hand's CH Happy Jack, was campaigned at that time as being the best 38 pounder in the South. This stands to reason why we inherited the title of "A Fool and His Money" going into the match. Andy Capp, a red blaze headed dog bred by P. Singletary and R. Boyles, is the end result of a Patrick and Boyles cross, arguably two of the most competitive bloodlines in world. At the weigh in, I nearly feinted as the Andy Capp dog weighed in at 35 3/4 of a pound, while Festus weighed in at 38 pounds on the nose. The odds had change tremendously as the edge clearly now belonged to the Hooterville camp, their dog being a 3 1/2 year old seasoned pit dog, while ours a first time out 22 month old prospect weighing more than two pounds under the weight. Admittedly, because of our situation, I silently began to loose confidence in our being victorious. Although our dog also carried a heavy
mouth of his own, it still seems ludicrous to give up that much weight to a dog like Festus and expect to win.It has always been the general consensus that a good big dog could whip a good little dog any day of the week. Of course, it seems the logical thing to do at this point was to pay the forfeit and leave; surely there could be no shame in doing this. However, the temptation of whipping a dog of Festus' magnitude constantly toiled with my mind, snowballing into a scary thrill, almost a sickness. Losing my ability to reason I finally confided with my partner and hinted around to see if we were on the same wave link, but it was obvious that he had no intention of forfeiting the match and judging by his attitude the thought must have never crossed his mind. Call it blind faith, stupidity, or even ego, but it was again obvious that even in the early stages of this animal's career my partner George simply did not believe that anything could compete with the Andy Capp dog and on at least this particular night he was right. Laughs and snickers were heard around the pit as Andy Capp entered first, an $800.00 to $300.00 bet was yelled out by a man standing next to me on the Festus dog as he entered the pit. With a sweeping motion, Hooterville released Festus as the referee yelled release your dogs. Festus goes right through Andy Capp's defense, quickly shooting underneath him into the rear-end as his momentum carries a noticeably smaller Andy Capp back into the corner. Festus is pushing in hard desperately trying to get his entire mouth over a stifle, only managing however getting it partially on the target. For the first minute, both dogs are still in the corner and are engaged in a power struggle with Andy Capp in a sitting down position completely bent to his right side with his mouth glued to the muzzle of Festus as he still roots in hard trying to get a mouth full. With
a sudden whine Festus comes out of the stifle with the Andy Capp dog working out a punishing muzzle hold as he leads Festus around the four walls dictating every move he makes. At the :05 mark Andy Capp is severely working over the muzzle as Festus lets out an occasional whine. Suddenly with fierceness, Andy Capp shakes the Festus dog off his feet and appears to be the stronger of the two dogs. At the :07 mark Andy Capp comes off of the muzzle and goes high in the right shoulder of Festus and again shakes him to the floor where he works the front-end over. Andy Capp is beating Festus to the holds and buries his head and shoulders deep into the brisket of the Festus dog making it difficult for him to take a legitimate hold; perhaps he senses that Festus can hurt him. At :10 the breeder of GR CH Queen of Hearts calls out a $100.00 bet on Andy Capp, receiving no takers. At the :15 mark Festus's front-end appears to be gone but he somehow finds the strength to wobble back up and tries to support himself on unsteady legs. With this in mind he grabs Andy Capp high in the shoulder but is unable to work out his hold due to the constant flow of blood draining into his nose, of course making it difficult for him to breathe; this is the result of severe muzzle damage inflicted earlier in the match. Andy Capp seems to welcome Festus's aggression and responds by shooting in high and deep in the shoulder, right between the armpits of Festus while at the same time viciously shaking him back to the floor. This time Andy Capp shoots into the throat of Festus and is determined to finish him off as he eagerly roots in hard and deep spinning the Festus dog clockwise around the floor in a constant circle. At :20 Festus is still a down dog when he suddenly reaches up and grabs Andy Capp between the eyes and closes his mouth hard literally biting down to the bone. Andy Capp's head is starting to resemble that of an English Bull Terriers as it immediately begins to swell. The Festus backer start to roar as he continues to keep secure his hold. Andy Capp surprisingly stays calm and patient while he tries to figure out an alternative to this awkward position. Using his front paws Andy Capp cautiously tries to scratch off a Festus who seems to be more than willing to die with his hold. At :23 Andy Capp manages to get free and begins to punish Festus severely, the dogs have been fighting at a torrid pace. At :25 Festus is forced into a turn and is out of hold as Andy Capp takes hold on the side of the head while both dogs take a breather. George is trying to encourage Andy Capp back into the throat when Ronald, the co breeder of Andy Capp, jumps all over him and replies, "Hey George, com’ere", "Let that dog alone, ya hear, he can fight a whole lot better than you can, just leave him be!” George obliges. At :27 a handle is made with Festus to scratch, at this point I was convinced that Festus not only would not scratch but that even if he wanted to he couldn't. Face your dogs screamed the referee with the buckskin to scratch, release your dog, the handler of Andy Capp is holding him snug in his corner as Festus takes a step and tumbles over onto his chest never taking his eyes off of Andy Capp. Using his back legs, Festus ruggedly begins to propel his body across the pit gradually picking up speed. The crowd yells as Festus rams Andy Capp and his handler in their corner to complete an extremely game scratch. At :30 Andy Capp is back on the offense and hurting Festus badly with throat holds when the referee yells at a spectator, I believe he is the owner of a dog named Cracker Jack, "Get your damn hand out of there!" As he has his arm in the pit snapping his fingers while at the same time mumbling words of encouragement to a beaten Festus The handler of the Andy Capp dog responded by replying, "That aint gonna help him none.” At :34 a handle is made with Andy Capp to scratch, he scratches hard and starts to pick up the pace. At :39 a handle is made with Festus to scratch and to the amazement of everyone there he again goes through the same routine as before,however this time Andy Capp meets him three quarters of the way across ramming in like a freight train, Festus's body just crumples to the floor. At :40 Festus is helpless as Andy Capp goes back into the throat and begins to drive him into a corner. A voice or two yells from the crowd for Hooterville to pick up Festus who is offering very little resistance at this point. At :43 the handler of Festus briefly looses his composure and in a mild panic yells to the other handler, "Get him off man! Get him off now!" As Festus' lifeless body goes limp. The referee declares Andy Capp the winner at :43. Seconds later Festus is somehow revived and completes a dead game courtesy scratch. What was so fascinating to me about this match was the intensity with which Festus scratched into Andy Capp. You could see in his eyes that he was not scratching out of just mere instinct but with bad intentions in mind, always trying to get his mouth somewhere on his advisory as if by some deranged means in his mind he sensed that he was winning, truly a dead game dog. Although a great portion of this match would tend to make the reader believe that it was all Andy Capp, I can assure you that this was not the case. Giving credit to the winner however, I must say that the Andy Capp dog displayed the characteristics of an Ace, taking Festus's strength and turning it against him while at the same time equaling the heart of Festus with his own savvy and determination. After the match, the Hooterville camp took some mild criticism for leaving their dog down too long. I believe they were counting on the smaller Andy Capp eventually burning himself out or perhaps the mouth of Festus getting him back into the match but what ever the scenario it was not to be. This is a match that will go down in history as a classic confrontation between two hard biting dogs, with one using his talent and brains to out finesse his opponent and the other blatantly refusing to concede or fold under life threading circumstances, and yet at the same time constantly in search of an advantage.
Match #2 -Buffalo Bill & George’s Andy Capp Vs. Pook’s Bolo. Males at 38 Pounds, Referee-R.J. Pook's Bolo, a black dog, is a 2X Winner bred down from a Smilin’ Jack and GR CH Cherokee Chief bloodline. He comes in four pounds over the weight. Andy Capp, a 1X Winner, is right on weight. 3:1 odds are being offered on the Bolo dog, which made it difficult for us to just take the forfeit and run, so again we challenged the odds. At the release both dogs shoot out of their corners and collide in the center of the pit like bull elks, again they both go immediately on the offense seeking out their favorite holds, the Bolo dog gets the jump on things and tries to barnstorm Andy Capp. At :04 Andy Capp reluctantly goes on the defense and tries to keep a bigger and stronger Bolo off of him. At :06 Bolo jacks Andy Capp up on his hind legs by rooting deep into the throat, he then suddenly slams him to the floor and begins to dig in deep trying to get his whole mouth around the neck. Andy Capp, relaxed and composed, takes hold on the bottom jaw of Bolo and works his way back to his feet. At :08 Andy Capp goes to the muzzle but is unable to set himself, the Bolo dog being long bodied, is driving in hard constantly keeping him off balance and moving backwards. At :10 Bolo penetrates Andy Capp's defense and again violently slams him to the floor with a throat hold, he then comes out of the throat and goes into the chest. Andy Capp is still down when Bolo, receiving a mouth-full of the chest, gets excited, digging in hard he literally slides Andy Capp 4 ft. across the pit slamming him hard against the wall. Andy Capp lying on his back goes into the throat of the Bolo dog but has a hard time staying there while Bolo viciously shakes him by a shoulder. At :11 Andy Capp bites deep into the muzzle of Bolo while he works his way back to his feet, once there he suddenly begins to shake out his hold in a fury. At :13 Bolo is showing a great deal of muzzle damage but has yet to slow down his pace and at the moment is still beating Andy Capp to the holds. At :14 Bolo grabs Andy Capp high in the shoulder and again slams him to the floor where he attempts to work the shoulders. Andy Capp quickly gets him off by the muzzle and uses this hold to again come to his feet. At :16 Andy Capp begins to show some damage in the throat and is stumbling little on his front end; nevertheless, he chooses to stand toe to toe with Bolo and begins to swap out shoulder and chest holds. Andy Capp wins this exchange, Bolo retreats with an ear hold and begins to favor his left shoulder. At :18 Bolo stays on the defense; Andy Capp starts to suck it up, and looks to be getting stronger. At :19 Bolo is on the ear when Andy Capp with sudden quickness goes underneath him and shoots into his throat sprouting a bleeder. Bolo retaliates by shaking Andy Capp hard with an ear hold and ironically, he too manages to draw some blood. At :20 Andy Capp with a pace-setting trot begins to play a head game with Bolo as he tries to maneuver him into a corner, which he finally manages to do. Bolo is still trying to keep Andy Capp off of him with an ear hold when he pauses in a corner to take a breather. Andy Capp suddenly, with a surge of energy, begins to launch an assault on Bolo and goes quickly underneath him; only this time he chooses to go high into the shoulder and bites down hard severing an artery in the left shoulder, Bolo begins to bleed profusely. At :21 Bolo is a down dog, he whines and yelps in agony as Andy Capp goes into his throat choking off the noise. At :25 a turn is called on Bolo, a quick handle is made by the handler of the Andy Capp dog. Bolo in great pain tries to bite his handler as he attempts to scoop him up. At :26 Bolo is still lying in the center of the pit and does not want anything to get near him. Bolo begins to salivate while going into shock; he has lost a great deal of blood at this point and is completely out of the match. At :27 Bolo is finally taken to his corner where he tumbles over in a stretched out position making no attempt to get to his feet. Winner, Buffalo Bill & George’s Andy Capp.
Match #3 -Buffalo Bill & George’s Andy Capp Vs. S.P.K.’s Gunner. Males at 36 ½, Referee-R.J. S.P.K.’s Shotgun, a.k.a. Gunner, is a black and white sired by Heikklia & Murphy’s CH Oiler out of Boyle’s Black Gold. Gunner is a belly-mate brother to Cherokee Kennel’s Oiler Jr. Andy Capp is a 2X Winner going for his Championship. Both dogs are released with Andy Capp immediately putting Gunner on the defense. At :03 Gunner starts to squabble as Andy Capp works over his front-end. At :04 Gunner goes to an ear, Andy Capp responds with a throat hold and appears to be hurting Gunner there. At :08 both dogs are in the stifle and momentarily swap out their holds. At :09 Andy Capp comes out of the stifle. The :10 mark finds both dogs on their feet with Andy Capp still on the muzzle and punishing Gunner. At :13 Andy Capp comes off of the muzzle and shoots into Gunner’s chest, he then slams him to the floor and proceeds to work him over. At :14 Gunner has been damaged in the front end but manages to only stay down briefly; he is fighting hard to stay on his feet. At :15 a turn is called on the Gunner dog. Both dogs are fighting fast when Andy Capp goes for a stifle and bites hard, Gunner starts to bleed heavily. The Gunner dog finds a stifle of his own and does a good job of working it over. At :17 Gunner is showing to have a hard mouth as blood begins to leak from the stifle of Andy Capp. At :18 Andy Capp shifts back to the muzzle to take Gunner out of his stifle, which he does. At :19 Andy Capp is back in the throat while Gunner is trying to ride out an ear hold. A handle is made at the :20 mark with Gunner to scratch, he stands in his corner for the count of 3 and then begins to walk across. Andy Capp meets Gunner halfway across the pit going underneath him and into the stifle while at the same time pummeling him back into the corner. Its all Andy Capp at this point as Gunner is starting to growl and seems to be losing interest. A handle is made at :27 with Andy Capp to scratch, he torpedoes Gunner in his corner and is starting to pick up the pace on a quickly fading Gunner. At :32 Gunner is a down dog and Andy Capp stays glued to his throat, Gunner is doing a lot of growling and he frantically tries to struggle to his feet. Andy Capp keeps Gunner on the bottom and begins to lay some heavy ivory on him. At :34 Gunner is in bad shape and showing visible damage from the head to toe, he manages to somehow scramble to his feet.The :38 mark finds both dogs standing in the center of the pit with Andy Capp having a mouth full of Gunner’s Neck. Gunner is out of hold in a frozen position with his head tilted toward the floor of the pit; he looks to be in a trance as his body slowly starts to slump to the floor. Suddenly Andy Capp begins to shake out his hold in a fury, Gunner comes back around and immediately staggers to his feet. Trying to get away from Andy Capp, Gunner in a hunched over position stumbles into a corner with Andy Capp still attached to his neck. S.P.K. gives the match up at :41. When asked to courtesy scratch S.P.K. wheelbarrows Gunner over by the tail. Winner, Buffalo Bill & George’s CH Andy Capp.
Match #4 -Buffalo Bill & George’s CH Andy Capp Vs. R.C. & The SoSo Boy’s Dakota. Males at 36 pounds, Referee-Big Pete. On a previous engagement, Andy Capp was matched into Warpaint Kennel's CH SoSo, who was sired by R.C. & The SoSo Boy's CH Bronco out of a daughter of R.C. & The SoSo Boy's CH Magnum. The match fell through when Warpaint Kennels decided to go another route with SoSo. Several months later, we received another invitation; this one however came from R.C. & The SoSo Boys. So it would be a long hot trip over seven hundred and fifty miles that would carry the Andy Capp dog to do battle with Dakota, a son of R.C. & The SoSo Boy's CH Magnum out of Wilkes’ Nelly, who is tight bred on a CH Jeep & GR CH MissRage cross. Dakota, a beautifully built buckskin with a blaze, has won two matches, going well beyond the hour mark and despite Andy Capp's reputation, it is Dakota who is the betting favorite. CH Andy Capp weighed in at 36 1/4 pounds while Dakota came in at an even 37 pounds. This was yet another match that brought out some of the best Dogmen in the country. It is a hot and humid August night somewhere in Cajun Country U.S.A., the people are the most hospitable and warm-hearted group you will find anywhere, and they made us feel right at home. On the send off Andy Capp goes for the shoulder of Dakota and gets there, causing immediate damage. The first 5 minutes finds Dakota on the bottom with Andy Capp working over his right shoulder. At :07 Dakota comes up with a hold on the top of the head and goes immediately on defense. At :08 Dakota is hurt bad in the right shoulder, but using a head hold he effectively keeps a hard charging Andy Capp at bay. At :10 Dakota comes off of the head and quickly shoots into the throat where he manages to get away with a quick flurry then he immediately shifts back to the head. At :13 both dogs are fighting at a fast pace with Dakota still working over the head and seems to have discovered an effective style in dealing with the Andy Capp dog. Becoming excited, Warpaint Kennels yells from the crowd to the handler of the Dakota dog, "Yea, keep sending him in R.C., you got this one!” Dakota, a tall rangy dog, is mouthing Andy Capp high in the center of his forehead; He is attempting to run away with the match. At :15 Andy Capp is thrown to the floor but in the same sequence roles back to his feet quickly trying to seize a front shoulder, but he misses the mark and looks for the moment to be a little puzzled. At :17 Andy Capp is starting to pop shoot Dakota in the throat, which begins to slow him down. The handler of Andy Capp occasionally deviates away from the match to exchange words with Warpaint Kennels. At :18 the heat has both dogs extremely hot, an out of hold count is initiated with Dakota the bottom dog to scratch. Dakota is met three quarters of the way across the pit by a hard scratching Andy Capp who drives him back into his corner, "You can’t win with that Florida dog scratching that hard R.C.", yells a spectator from the crowd. At :20 Andy Capp, trying for a shoulder, misses the mark again and winds up with a front foot in his mouth instead; Dakota is shook hard to the floor and lets out a whine. Dakota's foot looks to be broken as Andy Capp comes off and quickly goes back into the throat, "Come on Florida", is occasionally heard from the crowd of Andy Capp backers. At :23 Andy Capp is starting to create a pace that the Dakota dog does not seem able to keep up with. A little chaos breaks out between the two handlers as R.C. is caught standing on the rear foot of Andy Capp. The referee does a good job putting out the fires. Dakota struggles to get to his feet and Andy Capp takes him back to the floor immediately shooting high into the stomach area clamping down hard with true conviction. At :24 Dakota whines and begins to urinate as Andy Capp violently shakes out his hold. The handler of the Andy Capp dog looks over at Warpaint Kennels with a shyster grin on his face and replies, "Yea, looks to me like Dakota is on one wheel there." Warpaint Kennels responds by saying, "Yea, he’s been hurt before,he aint going nowhere.” They both continue their word wars. At :25 Andy Capp comes out of the stomach and goes to the front-end, Dakota tries to come to his feet but finds it difficult due to a now handicapped rear-end and it appears to be all Andy Capp at this point. At :27 a handle is made with Andy Capp to scratch, he scratches hard and pummels Dakota in his corner. At :28 Dakota, out of desperation, tries to go back to what had worked for him earlier in the match which was staying high on the head of Andy Capp, but at this stage in the match he did not have the strength nor the will power to be effective. I believe it is this action that instigates Andy Capp to ironically go high on the head of Dakota. At :29 Andy Capp is still working over the head when Dakota lets out a loud whine as his whole head begins to turn red with blood, in a low pitch sound the crowd of about two hundred almost at the same time utter something to the effect of OOOOOOOOOOHHH! … Which created an eerie mood. At :30 Andy Capp comes off of the head revealing a hole penetrating the skull of Dakota as clear fluids are beginning to protrude to the surface, "Good God Almighty!" screams a spectator. The crowd becomes a little rowdy as some people begin to push and shove to get a better glimpse. At :31 Andy Capp is back in the throat trying to finish it as Dakota looks to be going into shock and again begins to urinate. A handle is made at :32 with Dakota to scratch, he takes the count. Winner, Buffalo Bill & George’s CH Andy Capp.
In the words of R. Boyles, GR CH Andy Capp is by far the overall most equally balanced dog he has ever seen. This dog has been campaigned all through the South, winning in three different states over tough competition. During combat, GR CH Andy Capp has generated and displayed some of the most memorable and exciting moments you could ever expect to see out of a dog. Indeed, he was a remarkable sight. Open to the world GR CH Andy Capp received his title at the age of 3 years old, never going past :45 he has unfortunately claimed the lives of four of out of five of his opponents, dodging no one in the process. Extremely intelligent, GR CH Andy Capp is the type of dog that if you left your front door open you would have to drag him outside, and if small enough, he would have made an ideal lap dog. This is a very affectionate animal that is always in search of attention, being very fond of people, especially children, he has touched us all.It has been said that behind every good dog there is a good Dogman. This is especially true in the case of my good friend George, who believed in the Andy Capp dog from the beginning, always there by his side seeing him through the difficult moments. Both dog and handler communicated very well with one another,which created an impenetrable bond between the two. GR CH Andy Capp's wins are dedicated to all of the serious Dogmen out there who are constantly making the unforeseen sacrifices, putting everything in jeopardy for the betterment of our dogs. People like you set the foundation for dogs like GR CH Andy Capp, as evident in the great dogs before him and the many that will follow afterwards. Lets continue to work together to weed out the crooks and the unprofessional to make our sport what it once was, and still should to be, which was respectable and competitive. The aforementioned match reports are not intended to offend any persons or their dog, and the events stated in the reports did occur as such. This article was written without any derogatory vindication in mind.Our only purpose being to share with the fraternity our experiences with what we have come to know to be a Thirty Six Pound king.
11 years old |
domingo, 9 de fevereiro de 2014
Champion Gina Girl was sired by STP's Gr. Ch. Buck ROM out of Vinagro's Gina Blue Eyes. Gina Blue Eyes was sired by Gr. Ch. Hank out of Giroux' Peaches (AKA Gina), that won over Corvette George's Annie in three hours and thirty minutes. Gina was by Giroux' Gunner ROM and Greenwood's Lady Lehi. Lady Lehi had a litter mater sister called Jennifer that won over Noquiera's Patches in three hours and twenty minutes. Lehi and Gina were sired by Maloney's Davis; a dog that won a two hour bout himself. Ch. Gunner ROM produced several long distant game dogs, one of which was called Trip and his brother Friday, that won in two hours and thirty minutes. So, Vinagro's Gina Blue Eyes had the heritage of some game long distant dogs on the bottom and she was sired by Gr. Ch. Hank, a dog that sired many dead game, long distant dogs. Ch. Little Boots ROM by Hank out of Sassy (Davis X Mormon Girl) was a great three hour winner. Joker, Champ and Max were some other long distance dogs that would scratch with the best of them. When bred to Gr. Ch. Snake, Jr., Gina Blue Eyes' neice, Perry's Shaker, produced Ch. Venom, a dog that won in two hours and forty seven minutes; a record for a Snake bred dog.
Gina Blue Eyes herself was a shy bitch, who actually lost one match in :18 to D. Holcomb, but due to the insight of Captain America, she proved to be an excellent producer of 2 and closer to 3 hour dogs. She did prove to be a extremely game bitch in her old age and went out game as they are. Gina Blue Eyes produced the following two hour dogs: Jumbo Jim, who lost in 1:51 to Gr. Ch. Buck, Ch. Gunner, who won 4 and lost 1 in 2:47, another male who lost in 2:01 to Ch. Chaka. She also produced these dogs that were game: Jeff's Lightning, Buck, Jr., who won 2 and lost dead game to Jessie Rod's Whitefoot, Bucky, by Gr. Ch. Buck, lost game, very game, Chopper, Miss Buck, and Jumbo Janice. All of them were game which brings us to Ch. Gina Girl.
Ch. Gina Girl was a long winded bitch, that paced herself and like many Buck and Hank dogs never seemed to get rattled when the pressure was on. A good mouth that could put the finishing touch on one quickly and completely and most of all, a game bitch from a proven game ancestry. She comes from a litter of game dogs and her sister produced Ch. King Pin and other game, long distant dogs.
When Ch Gina Girl was bred to Ch Black Pazmanian (in 1993 on STP's yard) and produced 3 exeptional dogs. 2 of them were sent to Russia, 1 male - Ch Luther won 3 in top competition, his second over 2 hours like a down dog and was voted Best Dog Of Year 1997 in Russia. Luther is known for his ability, inteligence, hard mount and deep gameness. His littermate sister, Ch Bad Rosemary lost deep game in her grand championship against a male in 1:24 and died 3 days later. From what I hear she was one of hardest biting bitches of all times. Another littermate sister, Clean Mary, 1XW, is one of STP's best producing females and many statewide say she too is one of the hardest biting females.
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