sexta-feira, 31 de maio de 2013
terça-feira, 28 de maio de 2013
sexta-feira, 24 de maio de 2013
On December 8th, 1991, GR CH Tornado made bulldog history. She became the first ten time winner and DOUBLE grand champion in history. With all great bulldogs there are people that detract from the achievements of these animals. Who Dbl GR CH Tornado could have beat or couldn't is a matter of one's own opinion. Who she did beat and who she didn't is a matter of record.
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The facts are that the list of notable dog people she beat is among the top the game has to offer today. Her first match was into STP's Miss Piggy. STP was quoted saying, by a close source, that if he could get the bet covered, he would mortgage his house that Ken's 13 month old pup could not possibly beat Miss Piggy. Luckily for this proud fellow, the bet was not called as Miss Piggy was victim number one.
The pattern continued as Dbl GR CH Tornado beat D. Farve & JJ Hayward, Bobby Hall, Tant & Co., and Chicago Combine. A while later, GR CH Tornado came to Florida to claim her sixth win. She beat "Emma" in 1 hour, 17 mins. Tito of the Local Boys was next in line and his bitch did not last the half hour mark and T. Garner and Raheem's bitch went out game in half that time. Rastaman brought opponent number nine in the form of Boone's Sadie, she was wisely picked up at 45 mins. Her tenth and final match was against the Canadian Francois Shobinoe, a man that brought a very game and talented bitch. It officially went 2hours, 34 mins. A wager was made on Tornado's gameness and ability to finish a dog. At 3 hours and 18 mins in 25 degree weather, she was broken off her expired foe and then scratched back to it without hesitation. (most dogs will not do this)
All of the above dogs failed to live under Dbl GR CH Tornado except for one. All of them scratched dead game. She won her first at 13 months, and her last at the age of seven years old. Tornado's total fight time was 10 hours, 20 mins. She killed three of the dogs without getting one puncture in her skin. Her 8th and 9th matches were only 3 weeks apart from each other.
Many people say that Tornado did not produce. But what people don't say is that she was only bred twice and many only took those and bred them back to her father whom was a ROM. Though, she did produce two known 2x's including Ken Allen's Movin On.
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segunda-feira, 20 de maio de 2013
The great Grand Champion Queen of Hearts is an eight-time winner with a pretty impressive record. All of her opponents were potential champions or grand champions with pretty incredible records themselves. QUEEN usually destroyed her victims with her fighting style and her crushing biting power. Of her eight opponents, only three were able to survive that vicious stifle-hold that QUEEN is so well known for. Many top dogmen who have witnessed her in action, consider her to be an ace. In the only show that she was a participant in, she was awarded Best Female in Show and Best Dog in Show. QUEEN OF HEARTS had a distinct disposition. She was a Dr. Jeckyl and Mr. Hyde. Many believe that QUEEN OF HEARTS will go down in history as on of the greatest fighting dogs of all time!
QUEEN OF HEARTS was bred by Ronald Boyles, her sire was a pure Patrick dog and her dam had been bred by David Alexander. QUEEN OF HEARTS got around in her career. She won a reputed total of eight matches from a warm sunny south to the cold, cold north, and done it against some of the toughest competition in both areas. She won for three different dog men. She won her first for a fellow from Flonda by the name of Cody. E.Z. Kennels then acquired her and won four with her. A pretty good chunk of money passed hands and QUEEN was off to the cold country. She won three times up in the cold, for The Abrahams. QUEEN’s weight was between 37 and 39 lbs. However the most extroadinary feats was that she won eight times all in less that 34 Minutes - Jack Kelly
CH Thrift'sBobby JR 4 W |
Out of a litter sired by a double Bolio bred male named CH Thrift’s “Bobby Jr” 4xW bred to a heavy Davis’ GR CH Boomerang bitch named Boyles Ready came one of the best pit dogs to ever grace the sport, and her name was Abraham’s GR CH Queen of Hearts.
Queen was the only brown dog in an all black litter, so I guess you could say she was an oddball from birth. As a young bitch Queen had shown extremely hard mouth, and with her biting power being so devastating Mr. Boyles actually questioned her gameness. Queen was eventually sold and ended up in the hands of EZ Kennels where she began her career as a matchdog.
While living on the yard of EZ Kennels Queen was matched into a female by the name of Junior & Spark’s Blondie, whom at the time was a 2xW that was known for her roughness and mouth. J.Mann for whatever reason felt she was not at her best and decided to pick her up against Queen in :29, making Queen of Hearts a 1xw.
After the Blondie match EZ Kennels was once again back on the hunt with Queen, and this time it would be into very rough 2xw by the name of Dan’s Mule Dog. By :14 Mule Dog has simply just had enough of the Queen eating and shaking her around by her backend, and once again Queen is declared a winner. By this time Junior & Spark’s felt that their Blondie bitch was back to being the dog that she should have been in her first outing with Queen of Hearts, so they once again locked up with Queen for a championship bout. At :26 Queen of Hearts is in Blondie’s backend, and at :31 Blondie is dead, making the Queen of Hearts a champion. By this time the word is out about CH Queen of Hearts, but at the same time there are two other devastating female champions making names for themselves in the dog world, and they were Rebel Kennels CH Lou 4xw and Eliminator & Knapp’s CH Pepper 4xw. Rebel Kennels CH Lou was a bitch who had killed some in four and six minutes, and many had said that Lou was the best that they had ever saw. While CH Lou was ruling the south with Rebel Kennels, CH Pepper was ruling the north with her relentless biting power. CH Pepper was a 4xw that had killed every bitch she was ever matched into, making her a force to be feared. Mr. Abraham had handled a bitch against CH Pepper in one of her previous matches and he saw firsthand that she was a true killer.
Pepper’s owners were riding high on that win, and Mr. Abraham’s passion for competing against the best dogs in the world had him calling up his friend Mr. Boyles and asking him if he had known of any good bitches at 38-39 lbs. Mr. Boyles told Abraham about a bitch they called Queen of Hearts, and he said she was a bad, rough, hard mouthed bitch. Abraham got on the phone and called EZ to see if he was interested in selling his Queen bitch, but at that time she was not for sale. EZ had talked to Ricky Jones, and Ricky really wanted to go into the Queen with his Lou bitch. EZ was a bit nervous, as he knew Queen would be facing a bitch that the whole south had been talking about, but Abraham told him that if he defeated CH Lou he would give him X amount of dollars for her. The table was now set for the two baddest bitches in the south to fight for the crown, and those two bitches were Queen of Hearts and Ch Lou. The time had come and both bitches were prepared for war, they were fighting to get out of their corners, and upon release they met in the middle like two freight trains with Lou in the chest, which is exactly where she wanted to be. The gut and stifle killer Queen of Hearts is on the muzzle biting hard, and you can see Queen’s teeth punching holes clean through the muzzle of Lou. Queen then picks Lou out of her chest and at that point you can see clean down Lou’s muzzle to her tongue from all the holes being busted through it. Queen of Hearts begins to work Lou from front to back, by :28 there is no more CH Lou, and no one can believe what they had just witnessed. After the match Queen was taken to be washed off, and immediately after she was cleaned up she ran over and tore open a big bag of Eukanuba dog food and started to eat. After this match Queen of Hearts was purchased by Mr. Abraham of City Slick Kennels.
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Abraham’s GR CH QUEEN OF HEARTS on the cover of SDJ November-December 1989 |
Joe Abraham takes over...
I remember how excited I was about being able to purchase Queen after she had won over the highly regarded Rebel Kennels CH Lou, and I remember telling EZ not to say anything to anyone about me buying her. Although Lou was a great test for Queen I personally seen her tested much harder while on my yard, and as much as I love a hard biting dog I love gameness just as much, and in the fastlane of bulldogs you better be game. Even though Queen was a champion you better believe she still had to show me what she was made of, but before I even thought about doing anything with her I made sure she had enough time to get to know me as well as me getting to know her. I had called a friend of mine who had some pretty rough females that were bigger than Queen and I told him that I had one that I wanted to look at. He knew what dog I had and what she was all about, so it was not like I was trying to sneak him or anything. I really wanted to take some of the punch out of Queen, so I placed her on the treadmill for 25 minutes at a good solid pace. I pulled her off the treadmill and got her into the box with a 46 lb female, and if I recall correctly Queen was sitting around 42 lbs. As we released them Queen went straight to the throat and began to throw the bigger bitch around like she was nothing,
I just could not believe how powerful she was. It was only a matter of seconds before Queen was in the backend and it was easy to see that I didn’t let enough of the punch out of her, so at that point we stopped it and put a fresh female on her which was about the same size as the first one, and we ended up with the same results. Queen had seen 25 minutes of treadmill followed by two larger females for 20 minutes, and this was only one of the times I had checked her gameness and power against larger dogs. Queen of Hearts was very fast, powerful, and could bite harder than any dog that I had ever seen. This bitch loved what she was doing to you, and 20 minutes with her was a very long time. After Queen had passed all my tests with flying colors it was time to give Knapp a call to see if he would be willing to do his CH Pepper bitch, who was now a 4xw. Knapp was having a very hard time getting CH Pepper hooked, for the simple fact that the bitch had absolutely devastating mouth and power. I remember Roadblock saying that CH Pepper was one of the hardest biting dogs that he had ever seen, and in one showing she had bit the chest of a bitch and punctured her lung, killing her in no time at all. I made contact with CH Pepper’s owner and he was very excited about getting his bitch hooked, and he even told me that we could set it up to be on a show that he was having. After we worked out the details I gave EZ a call and told him that CH Queen of Hearts would be going for her grand championship against CH Pepper whom would be trying to accomplish the same feat. Dogmen from all over came to see this one, the hype was unreal. EZ got into town a few days early, and when he saw Queen he said “that is the best I have ever seen her look”. As we arrived at the match site I had barely got one foot out of my van before I had people running up to me trying to get a bet. Believe it or not Queen was the underdog, and the only people betting with her were myself and the few gentlemen that I had brought with me. I remember Roadblock Kennels walking up to me and saying “you had better be ready, or this bitch is going to kill your Queen dog”, as she had killed one of Roadblock’s bitches in very short order as well. When Knapp and I met to go over the rules he handed me a big bag and said “this is to stuff your Queen of Hearts in”. I am not a big talker, and I knew it was only Knapp’s way of being funny so I didn’t make a big deal out of it. As I was walking to the box with Queen I was whispering to her “pit time”, and once Queen saw all the people she started screaming to go. It took all I had to hold her, I knew she was ready, this is what I had waited on from the beginning. I never thought twice about all that money that was placed on this match, it never crossed my mind not once. In my heart and soul I truly wanted to know who had the best bitch, it could have been for $5.00 or $500,000 money was not as important as glory. It was so quiet in there you could hear a pin drop, yet this was a big show filled with people, and at one point I even had to look around the room to make sure everything was still okay. I held onto Queen tightly in our corner as we got set for battle, it was now time for war and my Queen dog was ready Both bitches were fighting like hell to get loose, and upon release they met directly in the middle like a wrecking ball smacking against a solid steel wall, with Pepper in the chest and Queen to the face. It began to look like this would be a repeat of the match with Ch Lou, but just then Queen of Hearts began violently shaking Pepper up by her face while slinging blood all over the onlookers that sat pitside. It wasn’t long at all before Ch Pepper is coming out of that chest and Queen is driving her back into her corner. Queen shoots to the back stifle of Pepper and shakes the hell out of it, and it was easy to see that the stifle was no longer any good. From the stifle Queen goes right to the guts where she is biting very hard and working the hell out of it. Blood is being flung all over the people in the front row, and a couple of them actually said that pieces of meat landed on their laps. I could see that Queen had opened Pepper up really good in the gut area, and by :29 the referee has declared Ch Pepper a dead dog, making Queen of Hearts a grand champion. After the show was over Queen was awarded two trophies, one for “Best Female in Show” and the other for “Best in Show”, which were well deserved. After this many people began to believe that a good “head dog” would be able to win over the Queen, but I knew in my heart no matter what they came at her with she was going to give me 100%, and that’s all I cared about. I remember Roadblock having a slick “head dog” named Tater that I tried to hook Queen up with, but it never happened. I asked for Tater and I even had my friend Big Daddy ask Roadblock as well, so when I heard that Roadblock was telling others that he had offered Tater to us it kind of made me laugh a bit, but I didn’t make a big deal out of it because the real dogmen knew the truth. Tater was only 20 minutes away from Ch Pepper yet they never got together, and Roadblock did say that Ch Pepper was one of the hardest biting dogs he had ever seen, so it kind of makes you wonder why he never went at Pepper. Queen of Hearts superior biting power and aggressive fighting style was laid into the ears and mouths of dogmen world wide, so it was no wonder why challengers were looking for slick, game, and defensively smart dogs when contemplating a possible encounter with the Queen.
Her next opponent was all three of those things mentioned.The next match came by way of Goodyear’s Lady, which was a 2xw that was known for her hard mouth and ability to stay out of trouble while still doing damage. Lady was really good on the head, and she was just a very strong bitch that was huge for her weight class. Before the match started a gentlemen had approached me and said “I’ll bet you that your Queen of Hearts dog will have to go over the hour mark to get past this one”. Well I will start off by saying that I had never made this kind of bet before, everyone including myself knows that you can’t count a good dog out, but I knew that if Queen got a hold of her that every bite would count, so we went ahead and wagered five thousand dollars that Queen of Hearts would never see the hour mark. After all the details were worked out the dogs were weighed, washed, and it was time to go. Both of these bitches came in screaming for war, and upon release Lady goes right to the head with Queen driving her back against the wall and shooting to the stifle. Lady is not willing to come off the head and Queen is still working that back stifle, but as she pushes for a better bite you can see the dark blood begin to leak from Lady, and from that point you can tell that it won’t be long. Lady tries to go for a better hold, and when she does Queen goes straight to the gut and is working it hard and fast. At :27 it is over, and Lady dies minutes later. The gentlemen that made the side bet with me on the time limit came up to me and said “One of the Havana Boys had told me that Queen of Hearts was the hardest biting bitch that he had ever seen, and if I didn’t just see it for myself I would have never believed it”. Seeing is believing, and once you got the chance to see the Queen you knew that all the hype was real. It wasn’t long before a new challenger had emerged, and when she came knocking it was in the form of Mr. Howard’s four time winning bitch CH Lady Beast. I had talked to Mr. Howard and he told me that he had spoke to Ricky Jones about my Queen dog and that he felt that he had the one that could stop her. I had never seen Beast before but I was always up for a challenge, and when I heard Rebel Kennels felt that Beast would be the one to bring the Queen to a halt I just knew this was going to be a great challenge for myself as well as Queen, so Mr. Howard and I set the date. I remember being at the match site and setting eyes on CH Lady Beast for the first time, it was no wonder why they called her “Beast”. She was just a beautiful dog, you could just look at her and see power in every glance, man.....that was a good looking bitch. Once we got into that box the lighting seemed a bit different, and it was at that point that everyone around the box could get a good look at these two colossal bitches that were preparing to do battle. They looked like they were chiseled right out of stone, and when we released them they met hard in the middle with Beast on the head and Queen in the throat. These bitches were working hard and fast and it wasn’t long at all before Queen was driving Mr. Howard’s champion into the wall by her throat. Queen was deep into the throat, and I knew she was biting really well when I saw CH Lady Beast come off of the head with her mouth open. At this point Queen is working the throat very hard and shaking the 4xw clean off her feet, and it’s easy to see that CH Lady Beast is fading away. As Beast begins to fade off, Queen shoots to the guts and has blood flying with every shake, and at :27 there is no more Beast. After the match Mr. Howard came up to me and said “That is more than just a good dog that you have there, that’s an ace!”
Queen had been very busy with her career, and with seven wins already under her belt I decided to go ahead and try for double grand champion. By this time it was very hard to get Queen a match, and you better believe that any challenger willing to call her out was going to be coming with a top notch animal. I didn’t match Queen this many times just because I enjoy gambling, I did it because I had a goal to achieve, and that goal was for 10 wins. A friend of mine eventually found me a match with a 2xw named J.Allen’s Miss Redboy, whom at the time I knew nothing about. I knew that the gentlemen who were bringing Miss Redboy had heard all about Gr Ch Queen of Hearts, so I knew that they really believed in their bitch and that she was going to be a really good dog. I was only about two weeks into the keep when a friend of mine called and said “I hear you are going into a really good one” and I told him that I didn’t really know anything about her at all. He explained to me that she was a Redboy/Eli cross that had shown to be very game and super slick on the head in her previous shows. Many people thought it was Ricky looking for some “get back” after finding the right antidote for the Queen, but I didn’t really care who it was or what they were bringing because I knew win, lose, or draw they were going to have a fight on their hands.
The time had finally arrived for us to do battle once again, and I remember pulling up to the spot and seeing a very muscular red dog being walked across the yard. I was not the only one that seen that red dog being walked out that evening, the Queen had seen her too. I remember her looking out one of the side windows of my van and spotting her, she began whining with a very high pitch, as she most always did when she really wanted something. After we went over all the details it was time to weigh, wash, and go to war. The time had come, and as I was going over the wall with Queen I remember Allen’s bitch having a look on her face that could stop a train dead in its tracks, if looks could kill then that would have been the one to do it. I am not too sure if Queen felt the same way about Miss Redboy’s facial expressions as I did, because once she laid eyes on her she began screaming and fighting like hell to get loose. Upon release both bitches meet in the middle with Queen to the throat and Miss Redboy trying to hold her out. Miss Redboy has just enough of Queen to prevent her from getting in too deep. Both dogs are working hard for a better position and from the throat Queen zeros in on the backend and is driving Miss Redboy backwards faster than she can go. As Queen slams her into the wall she gets right in on a stifle and within a matter of seconds she is shaking the hell out of it and springing leaks. At :19 you could see and hear Queen break the back stifle of Miss Redboy, and at :22 Miss Redboy is picked up and saved, making Gr Ch Queen of Hearts an 8xw.
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Abraham’s GR CH QUEEN OF HEARTS poses with her trophies |
The Queen’s Production & Family Out of eight opponents only three of them lived, but no dog has ever scratched back into the Queen of Hearts. She was just an incredible bitch from a great litter. Although she was the most devastating of her littermates, they too were very powerful and aggressive as well. Queen was a littermate to WCC’s Spanky (POR), WCC’sMavis 2xw, and Walker’s TBoy 2xw.
What I loved most about the Queen was her work ethic, she was just a very hard worker, and I just loved that about her. Not only did Queen have an extremely hard bite, but she was incredibly fast and powerful as well, making her a force to be reckoned with. Queen was only bred once before I got her, and that breeding was to Henry B’s Ch Mr. Rogers. I pretty much allowed Queen to do what she was bred to do, and it’s because of that why she was not bred all that much. I bred Queen to a 1xw that I had named Abraham’s Headache, he was a littermate to J.Rod’s Gr Ch Midnight and was registered as Indian’s Clancy. I only sold one dog from this breeding named Hotshot 1xw, and that was to Big Daddy which was a close friend of mine. I had his littermate brother that I called Blackout 2xw that I had won twice with over two very good dogs. What I didn’t keep from this breeding I put with family members and friends that were not into fighting dogs and were more or less just animal lovers. I only did this because I knew that they would be taken care of and I would always have breeding access to them. We use to actually joke with one of my friends because she had those suckers so inbred that it would actually make you laugh. They got a male and female from this litter and before you know it they were stuck together. Every time a litter was born one of the kids would always fall in love with one or two of the pups, and next thing you know they got 5-6 dogs all bred exactly the same and then they are breeding those pups together. I remember getting a letter from a guy that I knew and he was telling me “Ace, they are over their breeding them damn dogs so tight that I wouldn’t be surprised if I saw one with three eyeballs”. I wrote to them and explained that they would need to outcross if they planned on having some solid dogs, but they didn’t care what I had to say, those dogs were just pets to them. I made sure I had another one of my friends go over there and give them some of the stuff that I had bred down from Queen X Big Daddy’s Ch Stranger and my son of Stp’sGr Ch Buck named Bull, which still was not much of an outcross, but it was better nothing. Big Daddy’s Ch Stranger was a very good dog that I had bred Queen of Hearts to, she was also bred to a Redboy dog I had named Jim Daddy 1xw, as well as STP’s Gr Ch Buck 7xw.
Abraham’s Bull 1w POR ROM |
Probably the most well known dog that I had off Queen of Hearts was from the breeding to STP’s Gr Ch Buck, and his name was Abraham’s Bull 1xw. I won with Bull over a 2xw that many thought he had no chance of beating. Now Bull didn’t have the mouth that Queen had, but he did have the gameness of his father buck, along with Queen’s power. The dogs off of Bull could bite like hell, they were relentless in the throat but would not hesitate to tear into your face, and they were game as can be. Because of this Bull was not bred off my yard very much at all until 1998. Last I heard Bull was bred up until he died at the age of 13, and he produced well no matter what he was bred to. A friend of mine went and bred to Bull on WCC’s yard, and when he got there he thought Bull was a young dog by the way he was running around all wild and crazy, jumping on and off of his dog house, and if I am not mistaken that breeding was the one that produced Ch Saddam and Ch Ms Jackson, making Bull ROM. Every time I ever bred Gr Ch Queen of Hearts it was to a very game dog. The blood still carries on strong but is much harder to come by unless you know the right people. Many who have ever saw the Queen in person will say that she was the hardest biting dog that they have ever seen. The Queen will always be a part of my heart, and the blood will continue to live on through her offspring as well as my own. Long live one of the best matchdogs to ever grace the sport, Abraham’s Gr Ch Queen of Hearts.
"Assassinator" was born on June 12,1986. Her father was the 4x winner, Jacobs and Hicks' "Assassin 1". "Assassin 1" won his four matches in dominating fashion. He didn't have an overly hard mouth, but he had the speed and ability to beat his opponent to almost every hold and to out wrestle them once he got there. He could make his opponents look so bad that their handlers would end up thinking their dog was sick or not "Right" that particular day.
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His brother the 8x winner "Assassin 2" shared these traits. In "Assassin 1's" fifth match he competed against a dog that was considered an Ace by all who had seen him. Goodtimes' "Spike" had won over two good dogs in the mid-west in very impressive fashion. His father was the famous Ch."Jeep" R.O.M. and his mother was Goodtimes' Ch."Sheena". This turned out to be one of the best matches of all time, for the first hour "Spike" took more than very few dogs could withstand, and then turned it around and at the two and a half hour mark, "Assassin 1's" handler asked for a scratch to continue. "Assassin" ran a falling crawling scratch that most there considered one of the GAMEST they had ever witnessed! At about the three-hour mark, "Assassin 1" was nearly finished and "Spike" was asked to scratch to win. He completed his scratch but before he did his handler stepped out of his corner. The foul was granted by the referee and the match was called a draw.
Now you may be wondering, isn't this a story on "Assassinator"?? Yes it is, but to appreciate what she is I believe it's important to understand what her father was. Before this last match, "Assassin 1" was bred to a game pregnant dog from Ch."Boze" and Ch."Hog Dog". Ch."Boze" was a very good littermate to the very well-known Gr.Ch."Miss Rage". Ch."Hog Dog" was a very well bred pregnant dog down from "Tramp Red Boy", so this was line breeding on "Tramp Red Boy". F.Jacobs kept "Assassinator" as his pick of the litter; she looked impressive in her schooling and was matched three times "off the chain". She inherited much of the speed and ability of her father along with a considerable mouth. This may have been the result of a hybrid effect or come from her grandfather Ch."Boze" as his line was noted for strong mouth.
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It was shortly after this that we first became involved with the "Assassin" dogs. We had worked fairly close with Goodtimes in the past, he was one who always had an eye for a good line of dogs and always wanted to try some new blood. He talked me into taking a trip with him out to F.Jacobs' place with the intention of picking up a couple of dogs from this line. We went out to South Carolina and came back with several dogs. A few showed promise so we talked to Jacobs about getting some more, Jacobs was looking to get out of the dogs at this time and offered to sell us "Assassinator". We had seen her when we first went to his place but he would not discuss selling her at that time. Now he was willing to sell her bred to "Assassin 2", I've no doubt that part of the reason he was willing to sell her was because he knew we would take good care of her. At the same time that we went to get "Assassinator" we went to the Carolina Kittens place and bought "Devil Deacon", now an R.O.M. producer.
While we liked "Assassin" blood we thought we needed some tight "Red Boy" blood to breed back to it to get the type of dog we wanted. The first time "Assassinator" came into heat we bred her to Goodtimes' "Josh", a 2x winner and brother to Ch."Sheena", the pregnant dog that produced the "Spike" dog. He basically bred down from some old Corvino blood mixed with Ch."Rascal" and "Buster" blood. "Josh" was an excellent dog and while this was pretty much a complete outcross, these turned out to be some very good dogs. The next time we bred "Assassinator" it was to "Deacon". "Deacon" was checked out in an "off the chain" roll in such impressive fashion we turned down $5000.00 for him after the roll. "Assassinator" or "Nator" as we called her, gave us a litter of eleven pups and raised them all. It's interesting that we had trouble selling them, probably because potential buyers didn't really know about the "Assassin" dogs at that time. As a result we ended up keeping a large portion of the litter. This probably led to better management of the dogs from this litter than many other litters in that we were fairly careful to put them in the hands of good dogmen.
From this litter came Ch."Betty" a 3x winner and 2x Best In Show winner, (one of her wins was a one match show); Ch."Becky" a 3x winner, all over top competition; Ch. "Doris", DEADGAME in her third; Ch."Ben Aid" a 3x winner, all his teeth were gone by the time he was shown for his first match. He was also DEADGAME in his last match.
Besides these champions there was several other good dogs in this litter, Bart's "Bea Bea" won and lost her third to DSK's "Choo Choo";
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"Crybaby" a very game 1x winner; "Keri" was very impressive in her schooling but was held back for brood; another pregnant dog lost all her teeth at a young age and was kept for brood; another male got off his chain at his owners; there was also two other males in this litter that quit. In all that litter eight of eleven showed GAME.
Shortly after having this litter "Nator" developed a spinal problem that eventually led us to having to put her to sleep. A ruptured disc led to her rear legs being partially paralyzed. We had to put her to sleep in 1994, we had bred before her condition got really bad and had a litter of three that all died. Right to the end she was a very affectionate pregnant dog that we were all very fond of.
Texas' first match was against Villarreal, which he won easily. His second match was into Mayo's 4-time winner Plug. It went 1:15 and Plug didn't make it in the end.
Third match was into Black Faul's Diamond. For this fight I raised Texas' weight up to 40 lbs. and this hurt him bad, because in the first 15 minutes Diamond never got off of his back but Texas steamed up and allowed the other dog some leeway. After being completely heat tested Texas keeps scratching after collapsing in his corner. Then Diamond doesn't scratch after about a 35 count from referee Carroll.
For his 4th match we were against Carroll's and C.P.'s Freight Train which was out of Night Train blood. My nephew had seen Freight Train in action and bet me a $100 bill that it would take Texas over an hour to win. Texas and I took that bet in 28 minutes. The weight was 39 lbs. this time. Texas' next challenge would be the toughest of all. He would be facing a killer. A friend of mine had went to a show in Mississippi and got a report that if we wanted to see Texas fight again to come see this one because this would be his last.
It was his last till about 4 months and then he was hooked up again against Mr. Boyd and his red dog. By the way, the killer from Mississippi was picked up in 2 hours and 3 minutes. Texas is a dog that can be whipped but he's 5 ˝ years old and his toughest challenge is yet to come! Texas is a GRAND ole dog and will be used as long as he keeps calling me from his chain.
Texas won vs.: Villarreal's Buck M38 :33, Waggaspat & Mayo's Plug M38 1:15,
Black Faul's Diamond M40 :39
Ch Texas won vs.: C.P. & Carroll's Freight Train M39 :28,
N. Kemmer's Hank Snow M39 2:03
Gr Ch Texas won vs.: Warpaint Kennels & B.B.'s Whiskey,
a.k.a. Boyd's Red Dog M39˝ :35
by R. Kirkland
Gr Ch Texas lost his title vs. Roadblock's Ch Joey,
now he is Ch Texas and Ch Joey is Gr Ch Joey.
Gr Ch Joey won vs. Ch Redman before winning vs. Gr Ch Texas
In the late 1980's a dogman called Cune, from Serbia, imported a dog sired by Van Herpen’s Ace and out of Garlaunis’ Susy from Holland. His registered name was Garlaunis' Rambo, but he was generally known as Iron Kid. Nobody knows for sure how many fights he won, but his most memorable was when he won over the famous Radonjic's Jumbo ROM in 50 when Jumbi was picked up and made a game courtesy scratch. After defeating Jumbo, he had become a very popular stud and was bred to several bitches while in the yard of Cune. Let’s take a look at some of his most known offsprings. When Iron Kid was bred to Bijeljina Boys' Lola ROM they produced Zelenovic's Cobra ROM, 2W, 1L. Goscak's Rita (Ch Yellow Tom x Art's Sister Haidi) was bred to Iron Kid and they produced Sole's Ch Black Jack who won three, all under 30 before he fought Miki’s Pluton to a draw in 4:10 at 9 years of age. Iron Kid was also bred to Timotije's Tea, an inbred Country Boys female. From that litter came out Ritter Kennels' Inka ROM who produced Ritter Kennels' Ch Sweet Becky, Krik Kennels' Ch Krik and Bingo Kennels' Gr Ch Boogie Boy.

Elmo was sent to a person as a gift. He arrived up here as a 15 month old never touched dog. He won into very good comp up this way said partners hands in 37 minutes. He never got BIS either, should have yes, but it was given to the person that hosted the shows that night, even though the dog he showed Skinner had gone into a dog named Disco that was a piece of crap. Elmo had stopped the Disco dog in 17 minutes off the chain pushing over 5 pounds before Disco ever met Skinner. Skinner beat the Disco dog at their actual true weights but it took him just over 20. Skinner was a foul fighter, nothing more. He later went on to go into the Blackjack dog that Shaw had, and it was an easy spot for Shaw to pick. The Skinner dog only got BIS the night Elmo was shown because the show was put on by Skinners owner, and because most knew that he was looking to go into Blackjack next. Many said to the handler of Elmo that he deserved BIS, so did many others, but that's life. Elmo could have easily have been championed out, but some personal issues at that time between myself and a partner got in the way of that happening. It was unfortunate, but those things happen.
We both look back at that time now with some regrets, but the partnership and friendship has been able to be salvaged as a result. Elmo was eventually sent back to Tom as a proven stud dog, and Tom replaced him with his belly brother who lived with me for about 3 years and was bred 3 times during that time. He's now down on my partners yard where he will see more breeding in the years to come. He appears at this time to throw more mouth into his offspring then Elmo did. Although we believe that Elmo's brother appears to throw more mouth into his offspring, we are also aware that Elmo was the far more talented dog of the two. Elmo didn't win that night as a result of mouth. He won by pure talent. He never had the opportunity to show his mouth, as his opponenet never stuck there long enough. There was only one scratch by the other dog before he packed it in, and had a handle not been able to be had on the other dog, he would have quit much sooner. Many said it would take one hell of a dog just to stick with Elmo. What Tom has back on his yard is a 1 in 100 dog. He throws talent into his offspring plain and simple. He's proven to produce with cold dogs, and dogs that are less than average, so I'm quite sure for those who want exceptional dogs, they will have no problems finding many winners in the years to come that are off of Elmo bred to bitches off of Tom's yard. Elmo has also thrown the longest Frisco bred show dog to date. The Minnie Mo dog that recently went 3:08, but due to a handling choice that we agree now was in error it could have gone longer (closer to 3 1/2 to 4 hrs.). Both Mo and his opponent where tremendous specimens in exceptional dogmens hands.
sábado, 18 de maio de 2013
Mayday and his siblings were all impressive and well built but Mayday always stood out. He was BIG, CONFIRMED, and fearless, He walked out of the van as a puppy after the long drive, barked, and marked my kennel as HIS territory right when he hit the ground. He had a huge head, long ears and barked at the other dogs from the start. His head was always up high. He really thought he was the MAN. He was a happy and energetic pup. The first time we put him in the box, we did it with Ch. Leroy (heavy Paladin). Leroy was a HARD biter. He got a hold of Mayday's chest and bit hard. Finally, Mayday got a hold of the head and got him out. After that, Mayday was PISSED. For the next 5 minutes, he mopped the floor with Ch. Leroy. We had to stop it cause he was killing him. Of Course, Leroy was pushing 9 pounds, and it was not fair. BUT from that Moment on Mayday SCREAMED in the corner. He really was impressive.
1.-We go into, SLK & Dennis Ls HI VOLTAGE (2X), at Catch Weight. This match was special to me because of the adverse circumstances.
A. - Mayday, (First time out)
B. - Choice, (First time out)
C. - Leroy (1X)
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Gr Ch Mayday ROM young |
We arrived late Monday night in PR and we went with Choice and Leroy. Both of them won. Ch. Choice won in an impressive match against a HARD biting daughter of Garner's Frisco ROM. We arrived at 2 AM to the kennel and I knew something was wrong. Whenever Mayday heard my voice, he would SCREAM and bark, and go crazy cause he knew it was time to work. The problem was that it was SILENT. We took a flashlight into the kennel and to our surprise we find Mayday inside his cell but with another DEAD bulldog. The dog was a brother to Southern Kennels Xuxa. He had gotten loose and they fought fence to fence, but I think Mayday grabbed the fence and pulled it enough for the other dog to come through. It was no big deal that he killed a smaller dog but the match was that Saturday and he looked exhausted. We cleaned him up; we locked him in a totally dark room with all the food and water he could handle and on the next day's walk. He looked better; we did the same thing the next day. I was really worried that the accident might have tired his mouth. One b/c of making the hole in the fence, the other in killing the dog. At the time of the show, Mayday only had some scratches and swollen lips. hehe HI VOLTAGE; weighed 67Lbs, and was a monster, Mayday weighed 59 pounds. He looked Tiny next to High Voltage. But catch weight is catch weight. Finally, Mayday won in 35 minutes, He never showed tired, and after the 25-minute mark, he took control and finished.
2.-Soulman & Plumb Dave BIG RED (2X), Southern Kennels had taken 5 dogs to PR and won 4. We lost one game to Stone City Kennels Ch. NICO (4x)(ROM) with a son of Ch. Rattler at 1:13. The time before, we took 3 dogs to PR and won ALL 3. People in Southern Florida said that Southern Kennels was only winning in Puerto Rico and they weren't quality wins. Especially Soul man he was really being vocal. He said Ch. White heads toughest match was against a pure Red Boy-Jocko dog. Southern Kennels had lost to BIG RED before with a different son of Ch. Rattler who stood the line at 1:05. After that, BIG RED had won his second match in 1:25, and now he was ready for his championship. I had lost to BIG RED before and wanted a piece of him with Mayday so after many calls, it was hooked. Mayday's pit weight at that time was 60 but we conceded to bring him at 58 to make it happen. I was crazy about beating BIG red to prove that the previous wins in PR were the real deals and that the dogs in PR were also the real deal. As much as we tried, Mayday only came in at 58.5. We paid the forfeit and they gave me an hour to lose .5 pounds. We did and the party started. It was Mayday's easiest fight. He used big red like a punching bag. He mopped the floor with him. People watching wanted to change his name to PAYDAY. Others were calling him KILLING MACHINE. Havana Tito was screaming. "It's Gr.Ch. Rodney. Gr.Ch. Rodney, Gr.Ch. Rodney reincarnated. Big Red stood the line at 37 minutes and it ended with Mayday SCREAMING in the corner. He was just getting started. He wanted another hour. It was an impressive victory. Later Soulman called me and said that his dogs were still better than the ones in Puerto Rico but only 2 minutes better.
3.-After this 2nd win it was extremely difficult getting him hooked again. We had to change his name and so forth. He had won impressively and no one wanted any of Mayday. My GREAT friend Angel hooked him with the Gator Boys in NYC area against a supposed 4x winner. They ended up bringing Pete Jr. who was in my opinion half CROCODILE. This dog could BITE. He was more to the ground and thicker than Mayday. He looked like a typical Bullyson/Cowboy, but 60 pounds. hehe. That dog was a true killing machine. It was Mayday's toughest fight at that time. It was the shortest but the most SAVAGE. Mayday somehow knew that he had to kill this Croc before he got killed. He finished in 29 minutes BUT with TERRIBLE chest injuries. At about 2AM at the Vet's Mayday was cold and dying. The wound was only an inch from his lung. It was a miracle he lived. We worked on him long and hard and my friend Angel kept him for a few months. After that He was Southern Kennels Ch. Mayday.
4.-For #4 we didn't have to look for anyone, they came looking for us. We didn't have to change names or nothing like that. We hooked into Big Dust's Ch.Budda, (6X); he had won 6 but only had reported the last three to the SDJ. This time it was 65 pounds. In the first 5 minutes, Budda BROKE Mayday's Leg. Budda was a rough dog, after that Mayday stay there with three legs, and still coming and coming, it was a classic match. After 30 minutes even, they both slow down and pace themselves. At the 45-minute mark, Mayday started to take control and I urged him to finish. I would yell, and Mayday shook violently. at 1:05. Buddah stood the line.!! Mayday once again SCREAMED in the corner. After this match I retired him for a year. This is when I first bred Xuxa to produce Gr. Ch. Lukane. I never thought to match him again because he only walked on 3 legs after that. Then I met Cuban Missing Link who probably knows more than Vets do. He told me that Mayday walked on three legs only because he THOUGHT his leg was still hurt. I had seen the x rays and told him he was crazy. He replied that that break in the leg only made it stronger and that a pre-keep would fix the problem. I tried it and to my surprise, Missing Link was right. He not only fixed the leg, but Mayday looked 2 years younger again.
5.-The best match was Gr.Ch.Mayday against Tant's Cody, not only because of how good Cody was, who later on showed to be DEAD GAME, but also because of all the circumstances surrounding the contest. It was almost impossible for Mayday to win this match. The odds were stacked 99% against us. Mr. Tant didn't know that he was going into Mayday. My good friend Angel hooked Mayday into Mr. Tant for us. We respect Mr. Tant like as a good breeder and dogman, but we had to show that Mayday could handle any Red Boy/Jocko dog as well. So, we went into the main source of Gr.Ch.Yellow blood, Mr. Tant.
We conditioned Mayday in Fla, and flew into SC a few days before the contest. That match was hooked at 65 Lbs. We made a mistake on his last feed, and we were at 65.5 Lbs, just half pound over weight, so we had to pay the forfeit. Mr. Tant was OK with that and he still wanted to do it. At 65 Lbs, a half-pound would not make that big a difference. We paid it and started to wash Mayday. Toward the end of the wash, Mr. Tant started to look at Mayday, and he started saying "That is a nice looking dog, "He looks just like my Yellow dogs, "Is he who I´m thinking he is?????? ". At this point we were getting edgy. Then asked us directly, " Is this dog Ch.Mayday???? " Well, what could we say? We had to admit it. He was very UPSET. I couldn't blame him. He said, he didn't want to go into his dogs. I told him that "YES, Mayday is off of Gr. Ch. Yellow, BUT you weren't the breeder. The breeder was Mr. Hollingsworth who paid the stud fee. All you did was collect the money.
He is only 50% your bloodline. The other 50% is Hollingsworth's careful blend of Bolio-Tombstone. "Any ways, after he collected our forfeit, he ran out of the place with his dog, and left us there with Mayday all wet. We didn't even have a chance to finish washing him. We were very frustrated. I told myself that was the last time, I will condition Mayday!! It was extremely difficult finding any dog able to go into him. A few friends like Cuban Missing Link were there in car, and I ask him to just take him (Mayday) back to Miami in his car that same night. Of course we didn't feed Mayday that night, he was in the car all night long, until they arrived home in the morning. At that time, they just gave Mayday a cup of dog food. Everything was gone. We already lost the chance to make the match. That Sunday's morning on March 1996, when I wake up, I was very hyper and disappointed. I decided to call Mr. Tant and have a meeting with him. I wanted to renegotiate the situation and make that match possible, after a 2-hour conversation, we agreed to the following terms….
A. We will do it Thursday night
B. Not 65Lbs but catch weight.
C. We will play only 1K, against Ch.Dragon Lady (Champion Dragon lady was well known as the best 47lber in the world and Mr. Tant wanted to snatch her from us.)
D. I had to take it or leave it, like that, so I took his offer.

That was a smart move He gave Cody all rest he needed and very good food. On top of that he let him gain 7 pounds. Now, we had to go into a bigger, stronger and completely rested dog, Things were looking bad. Mayday looked a lot of smaller than Cody, and was all stressed out from the travel back and forth. RELEASE YOUR DOGS and the party started. As was expected, Cody led the contest early pushing and punching very hard into Mayday for the first 35 minutes.

Cody worked Mayday over really hard for a few more minutes. Then, Mayday caught him in the same throat hold again at the 1:03 mark!!!!! Tant asked us again to scratch Cody to continue, and we said NO!! " YOU EITHER PICK THAT DEAD GAME DOG UP OR MAYDAY WILL FINISH HIM RIGHT THERE IN THE MIDDLE OF THE BOX!!" Mr. Tant made the right decision and both boys made good hard courtesy scratches. Mayday was on fire!! He was screaming and pulling in the corner and looked like he was ready to party for another hour!! We were finally able to calm him down after about 15 minutes. This was his 5th match, and is also the greatest fight I have ever witnessed.
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